Bring and Buy Stats

We have now hit over 3000 items for sale in the MOAB Bring and Buy!

Here is a rough guide as to what has been submitted so far. It’s not limited to just these items, but these are some standout categories we’ve made:

All these and more will be available to buy from 10:30am onwards on Saturday 5th October in our Bring and Buy, which will be located downstairs in the Gym.

Warhammer 40KSpace Marines, Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Imperial Guard, Genestealer Cults, Custodes, Mechanicus, Imperial Knights, Chaos Daemons, Chaos Marines, Death Guard, Leagues of Votann, Necrons, Orks and Tau.
Warhammer Age of SigmarStormcast, Fyreslayers, Idoneth Deepkin, Kharadron Overlords, Seraphon, Sylvaneth, Flesh-Eater courts, Bonereapers, Nighthaunt, Blades of Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaves to Darkness.
Warhammer Old World/ FantasyDwarfs, Orcs and Goblins, Dark Elves and Ogres.
Lord of the RingsLots of Good and Evil characters in metal, as well as units for Minas Tirith, Rivendell, Mordor and Isengard.
Horus Heresy UnitsA wide range of Space Marines for Heresy including tactical squads, terminators, plenty of tanks, dreadnoughts and characters.
Star WarsEmpire, Rebel, Clone, and Droids for Legion. Armada and X-Wing ships.
Storage CasesGW Branded cases as well as others like Crusade Cases.
LegoA large amount of Lego Star Wars items ranging from old to newer sets.
Bolt Action/ WW2A range of armies including Germans, Italians, Soviets and French.
Board GamesSeveral different board game and RPG collections such as Folklore the Affliction, Windward, a Stargate SG-1 RPG, Age of Atlantis, Minerva and several others.
MiscellaneousSprues of leftover GW bits, book cases, novels and other gaming goods.